Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives

Participation to Standards in Ergonomics

Participant : Dominique Scapin [correspondant] .

Standardization in ergonomics is increasingly important due to the application of the European directives about the introduction of measures to encourage improvements in the safety and health of workers (e.g., 2006/42CE on security of machinery); as well as taking into consideration national and international legislation, including accessibility. Standardization in ergonomics covers many issues. The contributions from INRIA (D. L. Scapin) concern mainly software ergonomics, in the context of AFNOR X35A, X35E, as well as ISO and CEN mirror groups:

  • National: AFNOR X35A (Ergonomie des Logiciels Interactifs) (expert); AFNOR X35E (Ergonomie des Logiciels Interactifs) (chair).

  • European: CEN/TC 122/WG 5 (Software ergonomics and human-computer dialogs) (expert)

  • International: ISO/TC 159/SC4/WG5 (Software ergonomics and human-computer dialogues) (expert) ISO/TC 159/SC4/WG6 (Human-centred design processes for interactive systems) (expert and co-editor of ISO 9241-230); JWG ISO/TC 159/SC 4 and ISO/IEC JTC1 SC 7 (System and software product Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE) - Common industry Format) (expert); ISO/TC 159/SC1/WG1 (Ergonomic principles) (expert).

Visits of International Scientists

  • Alessandra Silva Anyzewski (from Apr 2011 until Oct 2011)

    • Subject: Proposition et implémentation d'un algorithme d'extraction de patrons de requêtes à partir d'un graphe.

    • Institution: Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronàutica - Divisão de Cooperação - Pró-Reitoria de Extensão e Cooperação (Brazil)

  • Yi-Ling Kuo Yi-Ling

    • Subject: Web Graph Clustering for Person Name Disambiguation Problem

    • Institution: National Central University (Taiwan)

  • Rong Guan (from April 2011 until July 2011)

    • Subject: Multivariate analysis of interval-valued data

    • Institution: Beihang University, Beijing, (China)

  • Amine Louati (from March 2011 until September 2011)

    • Subject: Social Network Aggregation

    • Institution: ENSI, Tunis, Tunisia

  • Ehab Hassan (from April 2011 until September 2011)

    • Subject: Distances d'édition pour les textes Sanskrits

    • Université de Dauphine, France

  • Yacine Slimani (October 2011)

    • Subject: A community detection algorithm for Web Usage Mining Systems

    • LRIA, Université Ferhat Abbas, Sétif, Algérie

Participation In International Programs

FACEPE, Brazil 2003-2013

Participants : Yves Lechevallier, Marc Csernel.

We pursue our collaboration on clustering and Web usage mining and start a collaboration on social network data analysis with Carvalho from,

We pursue our collaboration with F.A.T. De Carvalho, Professor at Federal University of Pernambuco (Recife) and his team. inside the scientific project Clustering of Relational Data and Social Network Data Analysis accepted by FACEPE and INRIA (01/2010-12/2011).

Researchers and students are concerned by this project from AxIS and CIn-UFPE side, which aims at developing methods of clustering of relational data and social network data analysis tools:

  • This project aims to develop new clustering methods and algorithms for usual or complex feature data as well as for relational data. These new methods [23] (cf. section  6.2.2 ) will apply simultaneously on several feature or relational data tables and they must be able to learn a relevance weight for each data table in each cluster.

  • M. Csernel has presented a new approach in Contrained Symbolic Data Analysis [26] (cf. section  6.2.3 ). M. Csernel has visited the UFPE during November and two topics on divisive clustering and the introduction of histogram variables in Norm Symbolic Form for clustering purpose were discussed.

A scientific project "Combining Methods for the Classication of Multi-valued and Interval Data" (CM2ID) submitted by F. De Carvalho and A. Napoli has been accepted by FACEPE and INRIA. The project starts on january 2012 and ends on december 2013. This project concerns two EPIs AxIS and Orpailleur.

STIC, Tunisia 2008-2011

Participant : Yves Lechevallier.

During the STIC program, in collaboration with M.-A. Aufaure (Ecole Centrale), Y. Lechevallier supervised 4 masters and 2 PhD thesis (Riadi Lab, ENSI Tunis) in this project. These masters and PhD thesis subjects are about Web mining (usage, content and structure, using different methods) and ontology construction from heterogeneous sources. Y. Lechevallier is involved in a new STIC program Exploration des réseaux sociaux pour les systèmes de recommandation between France-Tunisia.

In this STIC project, we welcomed from ENSI (Tunisia) at Rocquencourt A. Louati (April-August). A. Louati participated actively to the themes of our STIC with the co-supervision of H. Baazaoui Zghal, M.-A. Aufaure, H. Ben Ghezala and Y. Lechevallier. In [33] and [32] we describe the need to design and implement a tool for analysing social networks based on the aggregation graphs. After a state-of-the-art of social networks and their analysis, a tool graph based aggregation k-SNAP approach was tested and applied on ADEME data by M-A Aufaure from Ecole Centrale. See section  6.3.1 .